One thing really appeals to me for feeding my family - I love the idea of making casseroles & freezing them. So I tried to find a nice easy solution after we had the baby ...

I found some recipes that I wanted to share in case anyone else out there wants to spend less time in the kitchen and more time with their family!
"Make Ahead Recipes" (Frozen Casserole Recipes)
"Five Ingredient Casseroles"
Here are 2 of my favorite recipes that I have made already - both got 5 star reviews from my husband!
"Chicken Potato Casserole"
"Red & White Tortellini"
(I added cooked chopped meat & onions to this recipe - it was excellent!)
Suggestion - If you are going to make several casseroles ahead of time, I recommend buying disposable "freezer to oven" containers so you can portion out (and label) your meals ahead of time before freezing them. For instance, it is just me & my husband, so there is no need to make a casserole for us in a 13x9 pan... some of it will go to waste.

Happy Preparing! Feel free to share any "Easy" recipes you might like too!
oh yeah....and never EVER forget about the good old Crock Pot ! Thanks Skye - I have already hit up that website.